Ron Deal

Ron Deal

Ron L. Deal is President of Smart Stepfamilies and Director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®. He is a family ministry consultant and conducts marriage and family seminars around the country; he specializes in marriage education and stepfamily enrichment. Ron is author of the Amazon bestselling book The Smart Stepfamily (and DVD curriculum), The Smart Stepdad, Dating and the Single Parent,and coauthor of The Smart Stepmom, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage and Daily Encouragement for The Smart Stepfamily. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has extensive experience training pastors, ministry leaders, and counselors. He has appeared on dozens of national and international radio and TV broadcasts including The 700 Club, Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, WGN-TV, Fox News, and ABC Nightline. Ron is considered a leading voice in stepfamily education, ministry, and preventing redivorce and is one of the most widely read authors on stepfamily living in the country. His one-minute radio feature FamilyLife Blended® can be heard daily on stations nationwide and online. He and his wife, Nan, have been married since 1986 and have three boys.